
An investigation on the fit between Chinese college students’ majors and their jobs and its impact


“The fit” mean college students undertaking jobs that are relevant to their majors. According to 2010 Employment Blue Book, the fit rate of 2009 bachelor graduates is 67% and that of vocational college students is 57%.

Key Findings

Colleges and majors have an impact on the employment fit, the year of employment influences job satisfaction. 

1. Among undergraduates, liberal arts college students see more job opportunities with fewer requirements, whereas science students view limited job opportunities with strict technical requirements.

2. Vocational schools perform best in terms of career planning and guidance, followed by non-211 colleges, whereas 985 and 211 colleges perform worst in this case.21.1% of the researched vocational schools have held over three times of career guidance, 68.4% vocational schools have conducted one career guidance activity. On the contrary, 40.7% of interviewed 985 colleges have never held any career orientation activities.

3. Interviewees with longer working years show less willingness to switch their jobs. Their job-hopping intension is slightly affected by the fit.

4. Job satisfaction is positively related to the working years, but interviewees who are satisfied with their current jobs also have the intension to change their jobs. 

Suggestions and Comments

1. Strengthen college career planning and guidance, cultivate correct career concepts.On one hand, colleges have to set up a series of career orientation courses and establish at least one focused career guidance each semester; On the other hand, colleges should attach great importance to part-time internship besides academics.

2. Rationally establish and modify enrollment vacancies and majors of colleges and universities, fully support the development of vocational colleges. Vocational education should be promoted based on successful cases from developed countries.

3. Encourage the development of private colleges, support the cooperation between schools and enterprises to create more relevant job opportunities. College-Enterprise partnership is a crucial method for private colleges to develop. Colleges founded by enterprises should expand their collaboration with other firms, colleges without enterprise background should seek and strengthen cooperation with multiple parties to create and diversity students’ employment channels. 

4. Realize the significance of the fit between jobs and majors, cultivate the flexibility and plasticity of student employment.
